They trust us
Since our inception in 2010, we have worked with various industries and accompanied large enterprises and SMEs in specific projects. We cover areas from audit to the banking sector through the hotel and the insurance industries, printing, graphic design, food, telephony and BPO, education, real estate, tourism etc. We have nurtured a sound multi-sector expertise which we constantly strive to maintain and build upon in each of our interventions. Hereunder, a non-exhaustive client list:
- Accessa
- Ajanta Pharma
- Alteo Sugar Milling
- Anglo Mauritius
- Apollo Blake
- Association École du Nord
- Axess
- Barclays
- BH ServicesBourbon Vanilla
- Caudan Development
- Cays Associates
- CIM Finance Ltd
- Constance Le Prince Maurice
- Copé Sud
- Croisières Australes
- Deep River Beau Champ
- Domaine de Labourdonnais
- Etablissement Coubeche Industrie
- Food & Allied
- FS International Financial
- FUEL Sugar Milling
- Grays
- Groupe Attitude Resort
- Groupe VLH
- Habib Bank Ltd
- Harel Mallac
- IBL Brand Activ
- Iliad Management
- Inicia
- Innodis
- Intertek
- La Pirogue
- Labelling Industries
- Le Bocage International School
- Maurilait
- Mauritius Molasses
- Mauritius Union
- Meaders Feed
- Medine
- Medscheme
- Mer des Mascareignes
- MSM Ltd